Copy Print Photograph of Edward Julius and Sarah Berwind
Handwritten Story of Saint Thecla
Copy print Photograph of John and Charlotte Guldenfennig Berwind
Phillips Photographers of 1206 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA.
Copy print Photograph of Edward and Sarah Berwind
Scrapbook Page with Photographs of the Berwind Residence in New York City
Scrapbook Page with Photographs of E.J. Berwind and Sarah Berwind
Photograph of Charles Frederick Berwind
Photographie Walery
Copy print Photograph of an Unidentified Estate
Copy of a Death Announcement for Charles F. Berwind
Copy print Photograph of Anita and Gertrude Berwind
Copy print Photograph of Gertrude and Rupprecht von Boecklin
Jacobi, Eugen
Photograph Album of The Elms Estate
Alman & Co.
Photograph of the Rear Terrace of The Elms