Bird Espies Mayfly
Burleson, Trent
Portrait of Marcella McCormack
Banks, Richard
The Artificial Rose
Marianetti, Louise
Portraits of Everett Marshall
Anna, Theodre and Herbert {Three Richards Children [Illustration for Preface to "A New Alice in an Old Wonderland"
Brewster, Anna Richards
Jane Pickens
Hirschfeld, Al
Black Irises/Tree
Alling, Janet
Klenk, William
Sturtevant, Helena
Portrait of Brigadier General Nicholas Biddle (1893-1977)
Wright, Catharine Morris
Juniata River, Lewistown, Pennsylvania
Richards, Thomas Addison
Graham, Richard
Interior #3
Bruton, Donna
Interior #2
Interior #1
The Baptist Church, Newport
Waite, Emily Burling