Copy Print Image of James Fair
Engraved Image of James G. Fair
H.B. Halls Sons, N.Y.
Newspaper Clipping Album by Theresa Fair Oelrichs
Oelrichs, Theresa Fair
Hand-Hammered Two-Handled Cup
Tiffany & Co.
Scrapbook by Herbert Moore
Moore, Herbert
Portrait Photograph of Henry Oelrichs
Marceau, 250 Fifth Avenue, New York
Postcard Photograph of the South Garden at Rosecliff
Photograph of the Rear Terrace of Rosecliff
Rugen, J.
Copy Print Image of the Ballroom at Rosecliff
Photograph of Rosecliff
Ernst, William W.
Postcard Image of Rosecliff
Robbins Bros. Boston, Mass. and Germany
Architectural Photograph of the Side Garden at Rosecliff
Architectural Photograph of the Overdoor Lighting Fixture at Rosecliff
Hopf, John T.
Architectural Photograph of a Fountain at Rosecliff
Architectural Photograph of the Front Facade at Rosecliff