Untitled Watercolor of Stonington Harbor
Benson, John Howard
Untitled Watercolor of the Brayton House at Green Animals
Morris, Nathalie Bailey
"A Street in Old Annecy"
Gyra, Francis Joseph Jr.
Untitled Watercolor of the Arnold Burial Ground
Moore, Marjorie
Untitled Watercolor of a Bedouin Nomad on Camelback
Untitled Watercolor of a St. Bernard Dog
Untitled Watercolor of Green Animals
Untitled Watercolor of the Giraffe Topiary at Green Animals
Howard, Edwin Laclede
Untitled Watercolor of the Arborway at Green Animals
Untitled Watercolor Impressionistic Landscape
A Watercolor of a Group of Children
Mole, John Henry
One Watercolor of a French Peasant Woman
Watercolor Rural Scene
Fisher, A.
One Watercolor of a Swiss Landscape
A Watercolor of a Cottage and Country Road
Watercolor Painting