"Orpheus Taming the Beasts"
Castiglione, Giovanni Benedetto
A blue and white storage jar
A Pair of Carved Venetian Walnut Bracket Consoles
Tapestry from the "Perseus and Andromeda" Series
Reydams, Heinrich II [attributed]
An Oak Tall Case Clock
Steven Huygens
A Louis XIV Tankard
A William and Mary Double Gateleg Dining Table
Chinese export figure group of the "He-He Twins"
"The Investiture of Marco Corner as Count of Zara in 1344"
Ricci, Sebastiano
"Anteros Pleads With Atropos"
"The Embassy of Marco Corner to the Emperor Charles IV"
Molinari, Antonio
"The Procurator Zorzi Gives Treasure to Venice"
Lazzarini, Gregorio
"Francesco Corner Defends Venice Against the League of Cambrai in 1509"
Portrait of a Gentleman
"The Continence of Scipio"
Pellegrini, Giovanni Antonio
"Scipio Declining Regal Honours"
Bortoloni, Mattia