A Pair of Glass Pale Blue Vases
A Lidded Satsuma Vase
Photograph of a Ornamental Vase at The Elms
The Preservation Society of Newport County
One Pair of Haviland Art Pottery Vases Mounted As Lamps
Haviland & Co.
Vase, Bud
Print, Photographic
Havens, O.P.
24. Carved oak sideboard
Stillman, William James
23. Old furniture - (Loaned by Mrs. Lawton)
22. Old furniture and China
Pair of Porphyry Vases with A Pair of French Marble Columns
Beurdeley, Alfred
Sèvres Garniture of Three Chinese Red Ground Classical Vases
Sèvres Porcelain Manufactory
Cylindrical Vase
Bennett, John
Circular Vase
Two-color Cameo Glass Bottle-shaped Vase
Thomas Webb & Sons