Bracquemond, Félix
"Little Swansdown"
Zobel, Georg
"Hussard et son cheval"
Detaille, Jean Baptiste Édouard [after]
Marie Louise
Arlent-Edwards, Samuel
Countess Spencer
"New Laid Eggs"
Cousins, Samuel
"The Surrender of General Lee: and His Entire Army to Lieut. General U.S. Grant, April 9th 1865"
McRae, John
View of "Kingscote"
Newell, John Perry
Four Japanese Yokohama Prints (Yokohama-e, ukiyo-e)
Yoshitora, Utagawa
A Pair of Portrait Lithographs of the Emperor and Empress of Austria
Melcher, Jakob
"Im Frühling (Spring)"
Knaus, Ludwig
"Rocks near Purgatory"
Collins, John
"The Reefs"
“Château sur Mer”
Heroic Action of Miss Ida Lewis – Rescue of Two Drowning Soldiers in Newport Harbor