"Shrine of Edward the Confessor, Westminster Abbey"
Fitton, Hedley
"St. Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh"
"St. Mary's Church"
"The Anglers' Repast"
Wilson, Sydney E.
"The First Frost"
Willmann, Edouard
"The Newport Casino"
Graham, Charles
"The Reefs"
Collins, John
"The Rose Window, Notre Dame, Paris"
"The Surrender of General Lee: and His Entire Army to Lieut. General U.S. Grant, April 9th 1865"
McRae, John
"Triumphs of America"
“Château sur Mer”
25th Wedding Anniversary Commemorative Print of Kaiser Wilhelm II and Kaiserin Augusta Victoria
A Four-fold Carved Gilt-wood Screen
Codman, Ogden Jr.
A framed engraving of Gov. Edward Winslow along with his autograph
House, T.
A Pair of Portrait Lithographs of the Emperor and Empress of Austria
Melcher, Jakob
A Set of Four Mezzotints
Houston, Richard